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Do you want your business to take the next step into the new digital era?

Why TaxHeaven Archive of Laws and Decisions

The hub’s subscription services offer speed of response and a fully updated basis of laws. Personalized services such as a personal library and labels in laws facilitate daily work. It provides a variety of innovative services for easier and faster study of subjects. It has the only tax file with codified international accounting and financial reporting standards. The scientific team keeps the information always updated, so that you know immediately what applies to all issues.


Specialized searches

Save selected information to your account for instant access. No restrictions, commitments, or hidden charges. Customize pages on all screen sizes for access from any device (PC/tablet/mobile). You save time by searching circulars and articles.

Innovation in search

The subscription service provides innovation in the functions related to the users of the hub. These include the ability to print codified laws in Word and PDF format, print with hyperlinks for decisions/circulars, and manage personal notes and comments on law provisions. In addition, subscribers have access to codified laws and pre-existing provisions of laws, with the ability to view coding history.

Management flexibility

The tool also allows comparisons of provisions and viewing of explanatory notes by article, while also providing information about the changes that each new law brings to the existing laws of the hub. In this way, subscribers have full and easy access to important information of the legal framework.

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