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Do you want your business to take the next step into the new digital era?

Why Calendar

Utilize the know-how and specialization of the EPSILON NET Group of Companies Scientific Team. Calendar and liabilities of past years and option of file export for display on Outlook.


Search for obligations from any location

Receive instant updates on your obligations on the go. Are you at the office, in an appointment or in the car? Now you can enjoy access from your PC, tablet or the e-forologia app.

Reliable, timely and valid information

Scientific methods, experience and immediacy are reflected in our Scientific Team’s innovations and response to all changes and deadlines provided by state organizations. Receive all the information you need, with certainty and responsibly, by the most competent Scientific Team.

No installation required

You do not need to install any software to access Calendar. Manage your obligations from a browser and receive instant, easy and reliable updates.

Do you need to adopt an ERP POS inegration? Learn more.

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